Attack Ring Variations

This page covers all major Attack Ring variations and quirks, from Metal Frame sharing to mold changes. The HMS series didn't always employ a completely unique design for every Beyblade release. Sometimes certain Metal Frames were revised or expanded upon, and so here are all the shared Metal Frames that exist, with a small mention of any differences between versions, as well as the very few legitimate mold changes to Metal Frames. For accurate weight breakdowns of each of these shared Metal Frames and mold variations, see the HMS Weight Comparison page, which will have a sheet with all their weights measured and compared.

Mold Change: Circle Upper

Mold Change: Metal Upper

First Metal Upper Mold (Left), Second Metal Upper Mold (Right). Courtesy of @DerexGT.

Mold Change: Spiral Upper

First Spiral Upper Mold (Top), Second Spiral Upper Mold (Bottom)

Shared Frame: Gaia Dragoon and Advance Averazer 

Shared Frame: Death Gargoyle and Samurai Changer

Shared Frame: Phantom Fox, Dragoon MF and Bloody Devil

Shared Frame: Round Shell and Aero Knight

Courtesy of @DerexGT

Shared Frame: Dark Leopard, Shining God and Dranzer MF