MA-09 Advancer Averazer

Initial Release: Spring 2004, Starter MA-09 (Blue)

Additional Releases: Hasbro's "Advance Averager" Starter (Blue), MA-10 Custom Try Set (White), Random Booster ACT 3 (Purple, Light Blue), SH-05/06 Chinese Exclusive Romance of the Three Kingdoms "Zhao Yun/Guan Yu"(Dark Blue, Red)

Bit Protector - "Small Type"

Should be noted that BP Size Type on initial release is not consistent for every cycle of production or re-release. Being reproduced the following year could mean a  different BP Size Type for a given Beyblade.

Attack Ring (AR)

Advance Balancer, ~15g.

Best Possible Combo:

AR: Advance Balancer (Opposite-Spin)

WD: Circle Wide

RC: Bearing Core

Game Plan: Just like the Dragon Saucer version, your aim is to clinch a win by whittling away your opponent's Stamina while fortifying your own through incremental transfers of energy every time you come in contact. Weak-launching in opposite spin allows this combo to do so to the best of its ability. It should be able to OS Defense types with ease, though it will have a hard time with other Stamina types and an especially  hard time against Attack types.

Weight Disk (WD)

Circle Balance

Running Core (RC)

Metal Semi-Flat Core, ~3g.

Best Possible Combo:

AR: Metal Ape (Either Spin)

WD: CWD God Ring (with Metal CWD found in RBA2)

RC: Metal Semi-Flat Core

Game Plan: With MCC the plan was to use its versatility to score knock outs or out-spins. In this case, with MSF Core being much more restrained, your best bet is to launch powerfully into the center of the stadium and hope you meet the opposing Beyblade to 50-50 a knockout. It may be possible to out-spin the opponent, if they're not on a Bearing Core, but that is unlikely.