Running Core Variations

Here is the page dedicated to all of the possible and noticeable variations among Running Cores, ranging from their prongs to their overall design changes. In some cases, these variations are highly important, and in other cases, barely noticeable. 

The Three Prong Types

Just as important, if not more important than Bit Protector Mold Variations, are the slight variations of Running Core 'Prongs'. These are the two protrusions that are the locking mechanism for your RC to connect tightly to your BP and keep the HMS Beyblade bound together. 

Note: There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Some combinations of BP and RC simply don't work that well together, while others do. It should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

This is a topic you can find absolutely zero information on elsewhere. It may be anecdotally mentioned in passing somewhere, or simply known to veterans without any form of actual documentation. Regardless, it is not easy to come by or look into.

I've found two common designs for HMS Running Core Prongs, and one much less common Brand-specific design:

First Mold (Mold 1)

Second Mold (Mold 2)

Hasbro's Third Mold (Mold 3)

Three distinct RC mold types, viewed side-by-side

Grip Flat Core and Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Version)

Likely the most well-known RC variation is the one between Grip Flat Core and Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Verson), one coming with the original A-126 Dragoon MS, the other with MA-01 Dragoon MS (Ultimate Version). While the two are very comparable there are a few differences that may make you pick one over the other.

A-126 Dragoon MS' Grip Flat Core

MA-01 Dragoon MSUV's Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Version)

In general, veterans to the HMS series will opt for GFCUV over the original, because the added power and speed cannot be understated. Since there is a bit of a learning curve to it, and GFCUV is slightly less user friendly in the BB-10, many beginner or novice players might have a better time using the original GFC. If you prefer the precision and can live with a little less of a lively Attack combo, the original Grip Flat Core may be more your speed. If you like to play a bit dangerously, or are confident in your launching skill, Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Version) is a must.

Side-by-side view

Comparison of GFC and GFCUV rubber diameter

Flat Core Variations

Here is the variation between the three "Flat Core" RCs. Technically Metal Weight Flat Core, found in Thunder Dragon, can be viewed similarly to BC2, it is a deliberate departure from the initial design and not necessarily an undocumented mold "change". It is still included to be thorough.

A-123 Gaia Dragoon MS' Flat Core (Original)

RBA1 Thunder Dragon's Metal Weight Flat Core 

MA-18 Magical Ape MS' Flat Core (New Revision)

Flat Core variations, direct view

Viewed from above

Core Variations by Brand

In this section we will cover brand-specific changes to RCs. 

A-124 Driger MS' Semi-Flat Core

A-125 Draciel MS' Sharp Core

A-126 Dragoon MS' (Not pictured) Grip Flat Core 

A-131 Dranzer MS' Manual Change Core 

Note: If you can take pictures of your own Sonokong RCs and their potential deviations, feel free to message me directly on Discord or WBO.

RBA1 Thunder Dragon's Metal Weight Flat Core

Driger MS' RC:  Semi-Flat Core. Credit to @4DFury for Hasbro.

Dranzer MS' RC: Manual Change Core. Credit to @4DFury for Hasbro.

Draciel MS' RC: Sharp Core.

Thunder Dragon's RC: Metal Weight Flat Core.

Bearing Core and Bearing Core 2

While they technically aren't the same part or fill the same roles, Bearing Core (MA-08 Wolborg MS)and Bearing Core 2 (MA-22 Jiraiya Blade) share the same bearing housing. The difference between the two is actually more than just BC2 having a rubber tip, but it is actually noticeably taller thanks to a significantly longer tip. Where  Bearing Core's tip ends is roughly where Bearing Core 2's convex shape begins. 

It is possible that had Bearing Core 2 perfectly emulated Bearing Core's original tip, it would have been much better for Attack, the reason being that being lower would help aggressive ARs angle better. Conversely, it would probably be slightly worse for Defense, as this extra height means just a bit less head to head contact between an Attacker's AR and the Defender's AR, allowing for the CWD to play a bigger role for the Defense type.

Shooter Change Core Alpha and Gamma

Somewhat similar to Bearing Core 1 and 2, these parts are slightly different in name, but their designs are very much related. The only serious difference is that Shooter Change Core Alpha (MA-23 Bloody Devil MS) has a Semi-Flat Mode while Gamma (MA-24 Shining God MS) has a Sharp Mode. Both Alpha and Gamma have a Hole Flat Mode, which is likely the more viable option, unfortunately. Semi-Flat and Sharp are far too docile and the low-hanging CWD makes the RC prone to scraping, making them rather poor Stamina or Defense options. While the two RCs are not particularly competitive, they are interesting and sometimes fun to use.

Shooter Change Core Alpha (Semi-Flat Mode, Left), Shooter Change Core Gamma (Sharp Mode, Right).

Bunshin Core Variants

Unlike many of the changes here that come down to manufacturer changes or reimagining a certain base design, the Bunshin Core RC was deliberately released with three variations of its tips.

The original Phantom Fox MS Bunshin Core comes with a Semi-Flat tip. 

Metal Sharp Core Variants

This final one is easily the most niche in the fact that this variation seemingly only presents itself specifically in the Three Kingdoms releases of the Metal Sharp Core RC. Instead of having a slightly spiked or rounded metal tip, these tips are completely flat.
Essentially, it behaves like a taller Metal Flat Core, with all the downsides of being  MFC at MSC height.