Dranzer MF

Initial Release: Autumn 2004, Random Booster ACT4 (Blue, Orange)

Additional Releases: Random Booster ACT5 (Yellow, Black)

Bit Protector - "Large Type"

Should be noted that BP Size Type on initial release is not consistent for every cycle of production or re-release. Being reproduced the following year could mean a  different BP Size Type for a given Beyblade.

Attack Ring (AR)

Smash Phoenix, ~18g.

Best Possible Combo:

AR: Smash Phoenix (Left-Spin)

WD: CWD Reverse Defenser (with Metal CWD found in RBA2)

RC: Bearing Core 2

Game Plan:  Since Smash Phoenix cannot find a home in Attack or Stamina, the best option is to smack it onto a Defense combo. This is technically stock RB5 Dranzer MF with a Bearing Core 2 RC, though CWD God Ring should serve similarly well when worn down a bit. In left-spin Smash Phoenix has marginally less recoil, but it is still noticeably inferior to something like Metal Ape or Circle Upper in this same type of setup. Not the worst, but definitely not as good as it could be.

Weight Disk (WD)

CWD Wing Attacker, ~17g.

Best Possible Combo:

AR: Dragon Saucer

WD: CWD Wing Attacker

RC: Aero Core & Aero Wing

Game Plan: This is combo is the complete embodiment of what is known as the "Full Send". If you're using Wing Attacker, it may as well be in style. Dragon Saucer for the sauce,  Aero Knight's RC and Wing accessory to assert dominance via significant differential in height, and CWD Wing Attacker for flair. It may not be the best HMS combo, but it is easily one of the most memorable of a tournament. 

CWD Reverse Defenser, ~17g.

Best Possible Combo:

AR: Metal Ape

WD: CWD Reverse Defenser

RC: Bearing Core 2

Game Plan: Not the first time this combo has been mentioned. Metal Ape's small size means that most contact an Attack opponent will be making is with CWD Reverse Defenser and not much with high recoil metal. Majority of the non-top tier Attack combos simply cannot deal with this combo at all, and it perfectly highlights why CWD Reverse Defenser (and by extension, CWD God Ring) is so crucial in Defense combos. The added weight and impact reduction work wonders.

RB4 CWD: Wing Attacker, Courtesy of YBlader

RB5 CWD: Reverse Defenser

Running Core (RC)

Free Shaft Core, ~3g.

Best Possible Combo:

AR: Jiraiya Blade (Same-Spin)

WD: CWD Defense Ring (with Metal CWD found in RBA2)

RC: Free Shaft Core

Game Plan: If you're against a Bearing Core based combo normally it would be advisable to launch your Compact aggressively. In Free Shaft Core's case, that would not have the desired results, instead it would just make the RC more likely to wobble early on into the match, and this has zero benefit to Jiraiya Blade. Instead, launching at full power against any opposing combo, flatly, is probably the best course of action. The high RPM can potentially make up for lack of movement around the stadium, and perhaps Jiraiya Blade can score a decent knock-out early on. Otherwise, there is very little hope in victory against Stamina. Against Attackers, you sit and hope you don't get knocked out while being a sitting duck. Defense is a bit more of a toss up, as this Compact can sometimes destablize wall-based Defense enough to out-spin them. Once again, powerful flat launches are likely best.